Addiction is a disease of the mind and body that destroys individuals, family systems, and communities at large. Addiction can be in the form of alcohol and drugs, but we also recognize addiction compulsive behaviors including Internet addiction, sexual compulsivity, and disordered eating habits.

Recovery from addiction means to become integrated spiritually, emotionally, and relationally with other people. Recovery requires immense support from friends, family members, and mental health professionals. It also requires honesty and the willingness to take action towards healing.

People who wish to overcome their addiction are greatly benefited from participating in Twelve Step fellowships and therapy services. Many individuals experience severe trauma as a result of active addiction, but help and healing are available with the support of a recovery community.

Phone: 407-628-3443
Fax: 407-628-8956
1331 Palmetto Avenue Suite 203 Winter Park Fl 32789
P.O. Box 144 Winter Park Fl 32792